Fire On Fire - Inspiring Locations!

Fire On Fire is an expansive historical fantasy romance novel full of elaborate landscapes and fascinating architecture, most of which are real! Below are many of the locations that inspired the scenes of the story (it was so incredible to finally see them in person this past July): Chapter One - The Blue Men The North Sea - The North Sea is an unpredictable wonder that commands respect. We had the incredible opportunity to go fishing out of Crail Harbour when we visited, and even caught the first and largest mackerels of the season respectively (the season that had just started a day or two earlier). The fishermen at the dock were quite pleased with us. If you wish to experience the North Sea yourself, I highly recommend the Scottish Countryman . However, be forewarned that this isn't really the joyriding sort of fishing locale. Most offshore areas support working harbors, so there will be a lot of lobster traps (or crails) to dodge out there, and the tides in Scotland are extr...